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Full Form of MDP

Full Form: Market Data Processor
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Commerce

What is MDP Full Form?

MDP full form is Market Data Processor.

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What is EMDP Full Form?

EMDP is full form Ethnic Minority Development Plan

What is Ethnic Minority Development Plan?

This ethnic minority development plan is a document of the borrower. ... 3.1.2 Overview of the Ethnic Minority Population in the Direct Project Area .

Full Form of MDP-2

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Sub Category: Commerce

What is MDP-2 Full Form?

MDP-2 is full form MDP, Magnet Design Program (version 2.0)

What is MDP, Magnet Design Program (version 2.0)?

My first encoWlter with acronyms took place when I was ten years old and growing up in an occupied COWltry during the Second World War.

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Full Form: Department of Manpower Development and Placement
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Commerce

What is DMDP Full Form?

DMDP full form is Department of Manpower Development and Placement.

Full Form of AMDPCS

Full Form: Air & Missile Defense Planning and Control System
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Commerce

What is AMDPCS Full Form?

AMDPCS full form is Air & Missile Defense Planning and Control System.

Full Form of MDPH

Full Form: Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Commerce

What is MDPH Full Form?

MDPH full form is Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées.

Full Form of TMDP

Full Form: Taxa municipal de direitos de passagem
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Commerce

What is TMDP Full Form?

TMDP full form is Taxa municipal de direitos de passagem.

Full Form of TMDP

Full Form: Telangana Municipal Development Project
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Commerce

What is TMDP Full Form?

TMDP full form is Telangana Municipal Development Project.

What is Telangana Municipal Development Project?

Telangana Municipal Development Project is being implemented by the Government of Telangana State (GoTS) with support from the World Bank.

Full Form of AMDPCS

Full Form: Air & Missile Defense Planning and Control System
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Commerce

What is AMDPCS Full Form?

AMDPCS full form is Air & Missile Defense Planning and Control System.

What is Air & Missile Defense Planning and Control System?

Air & Missile Defense Planning and Control System is an Army Objective Force system that provides integration of Air and Missile Defense operations at all echelons.