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Full Form of LOC

Full Form: Loss Of Control
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Air Force

What is LOC Full Form?

LOC full form is Loss Of Control.

What is Loss Of Control?

Loss of control generally refers to lack of the ability to provide conscious limitation of impulses and behavior as a result of overwhelming emotion.

Similar Forms From Other Categories

Full Form of ALLOC

Full Form: Allocation
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Air Force

What is ALLOC Full Form?

ALLOC is full form Allocation

What is Allocation?

An allocation is the process of shifting overhead costs to cost objects, using a rational basis of allotment. Allocations are most commonly used to assign costs to produced goods, which then appear in the financial statements of a business in either the cost of goods sold or the inventory asset. If financial statements are not to be distributed outside of an entity, then there is less need to use allocations.

Full Form of BLOC

Full Form: Business Leaders of Charlotte
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Air Force

What is BLOC Full Form?

BLOC is full form Business Leaders of Charlotte

What is Business Leaders of Charlotte?

Business Leaders of Charlotte (BLOC) is an alliance of professionals that provide opportunities to build business, grow friendships and strengthen our community .

Full Form of BLOC

Full Form: Business Line of Credit
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Air Force

What is BLOC Full Form?

BLOC is full form Business Line of Credit

What is Business Line of Credit?

A business line of credit (LOC) is a revolving loan that allows access to a fixed amount of capital, which can be used when needed to meet short-term business, needs. A LOC is one of the tools a business can use to finance short-term working capital requirements, such as: Purchasing inventory.

Full Form of CLOC

Full Form: Centrally Located Organic Computer
Category: Computing
Sub Category: Air Force

What is CLOC Full Form?

CLOC is full form Centrally Located Organic Computer

What is Centrally Located Organic Computer?

Centrally Located Organic Computer who assisted Sentry.[citation needed] C.L.O.C. was created by Reed Richards (Mister Fantastic).

Full Form of LOCU

Full Form: Left Over Clean Up
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Air Force

What is LOCU Full Form?

LOCU is full form Left Over Clean Up

What is Left Over Clean Up?

Open your Start menu and locate the Control Panel option.
Click on Control Panel. Navigate to Programs.
Click on Programs and Features.
Locate the piece of software you wish to uninstall.
Click on Uninstall. ...
Get the all-clear to proceed and exit Control Panel.

Full Form of LOC

Full Form: Lines of Code
Category: Computing
Sub Category: Air Force

What is LOC Full Form?

LOC is full form Lines of Code

What is Lines of Code?

Lines of code are the "source code" of the program, and one line may generate one machine instruction or several depending on the programming language. ... In a high-level language such as C++ or Java, one line of code generates a series of assembly language instructions, which results in multiple machine instructions.

Full Form of FLOCs

Full Form: Federated Learning Of Cohorts
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Air Force

What is FLOCs Full Form?

FLOCs is full form Federated Learning Of Cohorts    

What is Federated Learning Of Cohorts?

Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) is a type of web tracking through federated learning. It groups people into "cohorts" based on their browsing history for the purpose of interest-based advertising.[1][2] Google began testing the technology in the Chrome browser in March 2021 as a replacement for third-party cookies, which it plans to stop supporting in Chrome by early 2023. FLoC is being developed as a part of Google's Privacy Sandbox initiative,[3] which includes several other advertising-related technologies with bird-themed names.[1][4]: 48 

As of April 2021, every major browser aside from Google Chrome that is based on Google's open-source Chromium platform has declined to implement FLoC. The technology has been criticized on privacy grounds by groups including the Electronic Frontier Foundation and DuckDuckGo, and has been described as anti-competitive; it has generated an antitrust response in multiple countries as well as questions about General Data Protection Regulation compliance.


Full Form of SLOC

Full Form: Source Line Of Code
Category: Computing
Sub Category: Air Force

What is SLOC Full Form?

SLOC is full form Source Line Of Code

What is Source Line Of Code?

Source lines of code, also known as lines of code, is a software metric used to measure the size of a computer program by counting the number of lines in the text of the program's source code. 

Full Form of SLOC

Full Form: Source Lines of Code
Category: Computing
Sub Category: Air Force

What is SLOC Full Form?

SLOC is full form Source Lines of Code

What is Source Lines of Code?

Source lines of code, also known as lines of code, is a software metric used to measure the size of a computer program by counting the number of lines in the text of the program's source code.

Full Form of ILOC

Full Form: International Lunar Occultation Center
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Air Force

What is ILOC Full Form?

ILOC full form is International Lunar Occultation Center.

What is International Lunar Occultation Center?

ILOC full form is International Lunar Occultation Center.