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Full Form of GAF

Full Form: German Air Force
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Air Force

What is GAF Full Form?

GAF full form is German Air Force.

What is German Air Force?

German Air Force is the aerial warfare branch of the Bundeswehr, the armed forces of Germany.

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Full Form of GAFB

Full Form: Google Apps For Business
Category: Business & Finance
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What is GAFB Full Form?

GAFB is full form Google Apps For Business

What is Google Apps For Business?

Google Apps for Business is an email, messaging and content-sharing service provided by Google for small and medium-sized businesses as well as enterprises. ... Businesses of all sizes and functions use Google Apps for Business to take advantage of Gmail storage, mobile email access and security.

Full Form of DGAF

Full Form: Don't give a F***
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Air Force

What is DGAF Full Form?

DGAF is full form Don't give a F***

What is Don't give a F***?

People often say the key to confidence and success in life is to simply “not give a fuck.” Indeed, we often refer to the strongest, most admirable people we know in terms of their lack of fucks given. Like “Oh, look at Susie working weekends again, she doesn’t give a fuck.” Or “Did you hear that Tom called the company president an asshole and still got a raise anyway? Holy shit, that dude does not give a fuck.” Or “Jason got up and ended his date with Cindy after 20 minutes. He said he wasn’t going to listen to her bullshit anymore. Man, that guy does not give a fuck.”

Chances are you know somebody in your life who, at one time or another, did not give a fuck and went on to accomplish amazing feats. Perhaps there was a time in your life where you simply did not give a fuck and excelled to some extraordinary heights. I know for myself, quitting my day job in finance after only six weeks and telling my boss that I was going to start selling dating advice online ranks pretty high up there in my own “didn’t give a fuck” hall of fame. Same with deciding to sell most of my possessions and move to South America. Fucks given? None. Just went and did it.


Full Form of GAF

Full Form: Growing Annuity Factor
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Air Force

What is GAF Full Form?

GAF is full form Growing Annuity Factor

What is Growing Annuity Factor?

The Growing Annuity Factor is the sum of the adjusted Discount factors for maturities 1 to n inclusive, when the cost of capital is the same for all relevant maturities. The discount factors need to be adjusted because of the growth of the cash flows.

Full Form of GAFS

Full Form: General Accounting Finance System
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Air Force

What is GAFS Full Form?

GAFS is full form General Accounting Finance System

What is General Accounting Finance System?

A general accounting system is a system that keeps track of inventory on a periodic basis. This was most often used in manufacturing companies.

Full Form of IGAF

Full Form: Institute for Genome Architecture and Function
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Air Force

What is IGAF Full Form?

IGAF full form is Institute for Genome Architecture and Function.

What is Institute for Genome Architecture and Function?

IGAF full form is Institute for Genome Architecture and Function.

Full Form of TOGAF

Full Form: The Open Group Architectural Framework
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Air Force

What is TOGAF Full Form?

TOGAF full form is The Open Group Architectural Framework.

What is The Open Group Architectural Framework?

The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is a framework - a detailed method and a set of supporting tools - for developing an enterprise architecture. It may be used freely by any organization wishing to develop an enterprise architecture for use within that organization (see Conditions of Use).

Full Form of GAF

Full Form: Geographic Adjustment Factor
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Air Force

What is GAF Full Form?

GAF full form is Geographic Adjustment Factor.

What is Geographic Adjustment Factor?

For Physicians and Other Practitioners: Three indexes are used to adjust practitioner payments for geographic differences. These indexes are known collectively as the geographic adjustment factor (GAF), a weighted average of the geographic practice cost indexes, or GPCIs.

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Full Form: Australian Government Authentication Framework
Category: Governmental
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What is AGAF Full Form?

AGAF full form is Australian Government Authentication Framework.

Full Form of EGAF

Full Form: East German Air Force
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Air Force

What is EGAF Full Form?

EGAF full form is East German Air Force.

Full Form of GAF

Full Form: German Air Force
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Air Force

What is GAF Full Form?

GAF full form is German Air Force.

What is German Air Force?

The German Air Force (German: Luftwaffe, lit. 'air weapon or air arm', German pronunciation is the aerial warfare branch of the Bundeswehr, the armed forces of Germany. The German Air Force (as part of the Bundeswehr) was founded in 1956 during the era of the Cold War as the aerial warfare branch of the armed forces of then West Germany.