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Full Form of ER

Full Form: Exchange Reserves
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Commerce

What is ER Full Form?

ER full form is Exchange Reserves

What is Exchange Reserves?

Exchange Reserves are cash and other reserve assets such as gold held by a central bank or other monetary authority that are primarily available to balance payments of the country, influence the foreign exchange rate of its currency, and to maintain confidence in financial markets..

Similar Forms From Other Categories

Full Form of Aberd.

Full Form: Aberdonensis (Aberdeen) [Lat.]
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Commerce

What is Aberd. Full Form?

Aberd. full form is Aberdonensis (Aberdeen) [Lat.]    

What is Aberdonensis (Aberdeen) [Lat.]?

The full form of Aberd. is about the meaning of Aberd. abbreviation in the Academic & Science field in general and in the Academic Degrees in particular.

Full Form of AAER

Full Form: Association for the Advancement of Educational Research
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Commerce

What is AAER Full Form?

AAER full form is Association for the Advancement of Educational Research.

What is Association for the Advancement of Educational Research?

The purposes of the AAERI is to encourage the growth of educational research and to improve its quality and strength. To accomplish these purposes, the organization will seek to bridge educational research across the many fields of educational practice and foundational disciplines. It will demonstrate the importance of research results, encourage the integration of inquiry processes and findings across those disciplines and fields. The organization will work actively to generate interest in educational research, support sponsorship and funding of educational research, provide education and training in research methods and disseminate significant findings from educational research.

Full Form of USERS

Full Form: Unmanned Space Experiment Recovery System
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Commerce

What is USERS Full Form?

USERS full form is Unmanned Space Experiment Recovery System

What is Unmanned Space Experiment Recovery System?

Unmanned Space Experiment Recovery System (USERS) was launched on the H-IIA on September 10, 2002. The aim of the mission was microgravity experiments to perform the Super-Conductor Material Processing Experiment and also testing of satellite bus technologies.

Full Form of AERP

Full Form: Average Effective Radiated Power
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Commerce

What is AERP Full Form?

AERP full form is Average Effective Radiated Power.

Full Form of NERA

Full Form: New England Region Alumni
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Commerce

What is NERA Full Form?

NERA full form is New England Region Alumni



Full Form of BERT

Full Form: Bit Error Rate Transfer
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Commerce

What is BERT Full Form?

BERT full form is Bit Error Rate Transfer.

Full Form of ERAU

Full Form: Estonian Radio Amateurs Union
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Commerce

What is ERAU Full Form?

ERAU full form is Estonian Radio Amateurs Union.

What is Estonian Radio Amateurs Union?

The Eesti Raadioamatööride Ühing (ERAU) (in English, Estonian Radio Amateurs Union) is a national non-profit organization for amateur radio enthusiasts in Estonia. Key membership benefits of ERAU include the sponsorship of amateur radio operating awards and radio contests, and a QSL bureau for those members who regularly communicate with amateur radio operators in other countries. ERAU publishes a semi-annual membership magazine called ES-QTC. ERAU represents the interests of Estonian amateur radio operators before Estonian and international telecommunications regulatory authorities.[1] ERAU is the national member society representing Estonia in the International Amateur Radio Union.

Full Form of ERDS

Full Form: Emergency Radio Data System
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Commerce

What is ERDS Full Form?

ERDS full form is Emergency Radio Data System.

Full Form of ERP

Full Form: Effective Radiated Power
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Commerce

What is ERP Full Form?

ERP full form is Effective Radiated Power.

What is Effective Radiated Power?

Effective radiated power (ERP), synonymous with equivalent radiated power, is an IEEE standardized definition of directional radio frequency (RF) power, such as that emitted by a radio transmitter. It is the total power in watts that would have to be radiated by a half-wave dipole antenna to give the same radiation intensity (signal strength or power flux density in watts per square meter) as the actual source antenna at a distant receiver located in the direction of the antenna's strongest beam (main lobe). ERP measures the combination of the power emitted by the transmitter and the ability of the antenna to direct that power in a given direction. It is equal to the input power to the antenna multiplied by the gain of the antenna. It is used in electronics and telecommunications, particularly in broadcasting to quantify the apparent power of a broadcasting station experienced by listeners in its reception area.

An alternate parameter that measures the same thing is effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP). Effective isotropic radiated power is the hypothetical power that would have to be radiated by an isotropic antenna to give the same ("equivalent") signal strength as the actual source antenna in the direction of the antenna's strongest beam. The difference between EIRP and ERP is that ERP compares the actual antenna to a half-wave dipole antenna, while EIRP compares it to a theoretical isotropic antenna. Since a half-wave dipole antenna has a gain of 1.64 (or 2.15 dB) compared to an isotropic radiator, if ERP and EIRP are expressed in watts their relation is

    E I R P ( W ) = 1.64 ⋅ E R P ( W )

Full Form of NERG

Full Form: North East Radio Group
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Commerce

What is NERG Full Form?

NERG full form is North East Radio Group.