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Full Form of ECA

Full Form: Electronic Commerce Acquisition
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Commerce

What is ECA Full Form?

ECA full form is Electronic Commerce Acquisition.

What is Electronic Commerce Acquisition?

Electronic Commerce Acquisition is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network.

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Full Form of ECAD

Full Form: Extra Curriculum Activity Director
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Commerce

What is ECAD Full Form?

ECAD full form is Extra Curriculum Activity Director.

What is Extra Curriculum Activity Director?

 Extracurricular activities are hobbies and pursuits that don't fall within the scope of the traditional academic curriculum. More to the point, extracurriculars typically refer to organized, official activities and athletics for which students don't receive school credit.

Full Form of CECA

Full Form: Connecticut Educators Computer Association
Category: Computing
Sub Category: Commerce

What is CECA Full Form?

CECA is full form Connecticut Educators Computer Association

What is Connecticut Educators Computer Association?

The Connecticut Educators Computer Association (CECA) is a nonprofit organization of professionals who promote the effective use of technology throughout schools in Connecticut.

Full Form of JCDecaux

Full Form: Jean-Claude Decaux
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Commerce

What is JCDecaux Full Form?

JCDecaux  is full fom Jean-Claude Decaux

What is Jean-Claude Decaux? 

Jean-Claude Decaux was a French entrepreneur who earned his fortune in advertising. He was the founder and honorary chair of the advertising firm JCDecaux, which is now run by his sons, Jean-François Decaux and Jean-Charles Decaux.

Full Form of DECAF

Full Form: Detect and Eliminate Computer Acquired Forensics
Category: Computing
Sub Category: Commerce

What is DECAF Full Form?

DECAF is full form Detect and Eliminate Computer Acquired Forensics

What is Detect and Eliminate Computer Acquired Forensics?

In mid to late 2009 a tool named Detect and Eliminate Computer Acquired Forensics (DECAF) was announced by an uninvolved group of programmers.

Full Form of ECA

Full Form: Electronic Computer Arts
Category: Computing
Sub Category: Commerce

What is ECA Full Form?

ECA is full form Electronic Computer Arts

What is Electronic Computer Arts?

An umbrella term for artistic endeavors aided by computer, either entirely or in part. Also called "computer art," "digital art," "multimedia art" and "new media art." The electronic artist may employ computer graphics, animation, sound and lighting effects, robotic devices and even include people in the presentation.

Full Form of ECAD

Full Form: Electronic Computer Aided Design
Category: Computing
Sub Category: Commerce

What is ECAD Full Form?

ECAD is full form Electronic Computer Aided Design

What is Electronic Computer Aided Design?

Electronic design automation, also referred to as electronic computer-aided design, is a category of software tools for designing electronic systems such as integrated circuits and printed circuit boards. The tools work together in a design flow that chip designers use to design and analyze entire semiconductor chips. 

Full Form of ECAMS

Full Form: Enterprise Computing Applications Monitoring Support
Category: Computing
Sub Category: Commerce

What is ECAMS Full Form?

ECAMS is full form Enterprise Computing Applications Monitoring Support

What is Enterprise Computing Applications Monitoring Support?

Enterprise monitoring is the first step in getting your arms around effectively and efficiently managing your interconnected IT infrastructure and delivering the best customer satisfaction.

Full Form of ECAP

Full Form: Enterprise Computing Alliance Platform
Category: Computing
Sub Category: Commerce

What is ECAP Full Form?

ECAP is full form Enterprise Computing Alliance Platform

What is Enterprise Computing Alliance Platform?

Enterprise computing is a catch-all category for software and hardware that is designed to meet the needs of large organizations. These needs aren’t written in stone, but they generally include:

Full Form of PECAN PIE

Full Form: Point Explained, Context, ANalysis, Point Included, Evaluation
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Commerce

What is PECAN PIE Full Form?

PECAN PIE is full form Point Explained, Context, ANalysis, Point Included, Evaluation

What is Point Explained, Context, ANalysis, Point Included, Evaluation?

Context analysis is a method to analyze the environment in which a business operates. Environmental scanning mainly focuses on the macro environment of a business. But context analysis considers the entire environment of a business, its internal and external environment. This is an important aspect of business planning. One kind of context analysis, called SWOT analysis, allows the business to gain an insight into their strengths and weaknesses and also the opportunities and threats posed by the market within which they operate. The main goal of a context analysis, SWOT or otherwise, is to analyze the environment in order to develop a strategic plan of action for the business.

Full Form of NOECA

Full Form: Northern Ohio Educational Computer Association
Category: Computing
Sub Category: Commerce

What is NOECA Full Form?

NOECA is full form Northern Ohio Educational Computer Association

What is Northern Ohio Educational Computer Association?

Northern Ohio Educational Computer Association. Description. NOECA provides comprehensive videoconferencing and distance learning services to schools, colleges,