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Full Form of DE

Full Form: Driven Element
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is DE Full Form?

DE full form is Driven Element.

What is Driven Element?

Driven Element or active element is the element in the antenna (typically a metal rod) which is electrically connected to the receiver or transmitter. In a transmitting antenna it is driven or excited by the RF current from the transmitter, and is the source of the radio waves. In a receiving antenna it collects the incoming radio waves for reception, and converts them to tiny oscillating electric currents, which are applied to the receiver. Multielement antennas like the Yagi typically consist of a driven element, connected to the receiver or transmitter through a feed line, and a number of other elements which are not driven, called parasitic elements. The driven element is often a dipole. The parasitic elements act as resonators and couple electromagnetically with the driven element, and serve to modify the radiation pattern of the antenna, directing the radio waves in one direction, increasing the gain of the antenna.

An antenna may have more than one driven element, although the most common multielement antenna, the Yagi, usually has only one. For example, transmitting antennas for AM radio stations often consist of several mast radiators, each of which functions as a half-wave monopole driven element, to create a particular radiation pattern. A two-element array with the elements spaced a quarter wavelength apart has a distinct cardioid radiation pattern when the second element is driven with a source -90° out of phase relative to the first element. A log-periodic antenna (LPDA) consists of many dipole elements of decreasing length, all of which are driven. However, because they are different lengths, only one of the many dipoles is resonant at a given frequency, so only one is driven at a time. The dipole that is driven depends on the frequency of the signal. Phased arrays may have hundreds of driven elements. Household multiband television antennas generally consist of a hybrid between a UHF Yagi with one driven dipole and a log-periodic for VHF behind that with alternating active elements. The driven elements between the UHF and VHF are then coupled and often matched for a 75 ohm coaxial downlead to the receiver.

When a "driven element" is referred to in an antenna array, it is often assumed that other elements are not driven (i.e. parasitic, passive) and that the array is tightly coupled (spacing far below a wavelength).

In a multielement antenna array, the driven element or active element is the element in the antenna which is electrically connected to the receiver or transmitter. In a transmitting antenna it is driven or excited by the RF current from the transmitter, and is the source of the radio waves. In a receiving antenna it collects the incoming radio waves for reception, and converts them to tiny oscillating electric currents, which are applied to the receiver. Multielement antennas like the Yagi typically consist of a driven element, connected to the receiver or transmitter through a feed line, and a number of other elements which are not driven, called parasitic elements. The driven element is often a dipole. The parasitic elements act as resonators and couple electromagnetically with the driven element, and serve to modify the radiation pattern of the antenna, directing the radio waves in one direction, increasing the gain of the antenna.

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What is ADE Full Form?

ADE full form is Associate Degree in Education.

What is Associate Degree in Education?

An associate’s degree is an academic program taken at the undergraduate level (the first stage after secondary school). It aims to give students the basic technical and academic knowledge and transferable skills they need to go on to employment or further study in their chosen field.

There are four types of associate degrees: AA (Associate of Arts), AS (Associate of Science, AAA (Associate of Applied Arts) and AAS (Associate of Applied Science).

The main difference is that the ‘applied’ courses are more focused on preparing students for a particular career, focusing on practical vocational skills, whereas the AA and AS are targeted more at students who want to go on to a bachelor’s degree, with a focus on preparation for higher levels of academic study.

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What is ADEC Full Form?

ADEC full form is Associate Degree Equivalency Certificate.

What is Associate Degree Equivalency Certificate?

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Category: Academic & Science
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What is B. Dent. Sc. Full Form?

B. Dent. Sc. full form is Bachelor of Dental Science.

What is Bachelor of Dental Science?

Bachelor of Dental Science (BDS) - BDS or Bachelor of Dental Science is an undergraduate dentistry course. The duration of the course is 5 years including 1 year of internship. After MBBS, BDS is one the most sought course in the field of medical science.

Full Form of B.Dent.

Full Form: Bachelor of Dentistry
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is B.Dent. Full Form?

B.Dent full form is Bachelor of Dentistry.

What is Bachelor of Dentistry?

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Full Form of BDent

Full Form: Bachelor of Dentistry
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is BDent Full Form?

BDent full form is Bachelor of Dentistry.

What is Bachelor of Dentistry?

Typically, a dental program aims to foster a deeper understanding of oral health issues and how they can be treated and prevented.

During their course of study, individuals may gain insight as to what factors affect community oral health, including but not limited to socioeconomic status, lifestyle, diet and ethnicity.

Courses may focus on teaching participants about various restorative and preventative techniques, as well as about the development of new materials and technologies.

Part of the program may deal directly with informing students of the many laws and regulations that govern the healthcare industry as a whole.

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What is BDES Full Form?

BDES full form is Bachelor of Design.

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Full Form: Department of English Alumni Association
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is DEAA Full Form?

DEAA full form is Department of English Alumni Association

What is Department of English Alumni Association?

The association platform provides a forum for the Alumni of the Department of English to maintain and reconnect their links with the Department and the University and with each other. 

Alumni will receive our information about the conferences and other events at the department, news about the faculty.

Full Form of DEAA

Full Form: Distinguished Engineering Alumni Awards
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is DEAA Full Form?

DEAA full form is Distinguished Engineering Alumni Awards

What is Distinguished Engineering Alumni Awards?

The college recognizes alumni achievements with two annual awards: the Distinguished Engineering Alumni Awards (DEAA) and the Recent Alumni Award (RAA).

Established in 1966, the DEAA honors graduates and friends who have distinguished themselves through outstanding personal qualities, knowledge, and significant contributions to their fields. Award winners may fall into several categories: Education, Research and Invention, Government Service, Industry and Commerce, and Private Practice. A sixth Special category is for alumni with distinguished careers outside those five categories or for non-alumni with distinguished service to the college.





Full Form of CDET

Full Form: College of Distance Education and Training
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is CDET Full Form?

CDET full form is College of Distance Education and Training.

What is College of Distance Education and Training?

Distance education, also called distance learning, is the education of students who may not always be physically present at a school. Traditionally, this usually involved correspondence courses wherein the student corresponded with the school via mail. Today, it usually involves online education. A distance learning program can be completely distance learning, or a combination of distance learning and traditional classroom instruction (called hybrid or blended).

Massive open online courses (MOOCs), offering large-scale interactive participation and open access through the World Wide Web or other network technologies, are recent educational modes in distance education.A number of other terms (distributed learning, e-learning, m-learning, online learning, virtual classroom etc.) are used roughly synonymously with distance education.

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Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is DE Full Form?

DE full form is Desk top Environment.

What is Desk top Environment?

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