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Full Form of DDF

Full Form: Defect and Diffusion Forum
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is DDF Full Form?

DDF is full form Defect and Diffusion Forum    

What is Defect and Diffusion Forum?

Defect and Diffusion Forum (DDF) (formerly Part A of ''Diffusion and Defect Data'') is designed to publish up-to-date scientific research and applied aspects in the area of formation and dissemination of defects in solid materials, including the phenomena of diffusion.
In addition to the traditional topic of mass diffusion, the journal is open to papers from the area of heat transfer in solids, liquids and gases, materials and substances. All papers are peer-reviewed and edited.

All published materials are archived with PORTICO and CLOCKSS.
Authors retain the right to publish an extended and significantly updated version in another periodical.

Note from the Honorary Editor Emeritus Professor Graeme Murch:
I can thoroughly recommend Defect and Diffusion Forum as the prime place for publication of the research papers in the defect, mass diffusion, or heat transport areas.

Members of Editorial Boards and Associate Editors are invited to submit papers for publication in “Defect and Diffusion Forum” .

Abstracted/Indexed in:
SCOPUS www.scopus.com.
Ei Compendex www.ei.org/.
Inspec (IET, Institution of Engineering Technology) www.theiet.org.
Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) www.cas.org.
Google Scholar scholar.google.com.
GeoRef www.americangeosciences.org/georef.
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA) www.csa.com.
ProQuest www.proquest.com.
Ulrichsweb www.proquest.com/products-services/Ulrichsweb.html.
EBSCO Discovery Service https://www.ebscohost.com/discovery.
Zetoc zetoc.jisc.ac.uk.
Index Copernicus Journals Master List www.indexcopernicus.com.
WorldCat (OCLC) www.worldcat.org.

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