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Full Form of DC

Full Form: Domain Component
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is DC Full Form?

DC is full form Domain Component

What is Domain Component?

The dc tree contains hierarchical domain entries, each of which is a DNS name component.

Entries that represent the domain name of a customer are overlaid with the LDAP auxiliary class inetDomain. For example, the two LDAP entries dc=customer1,dc=com,o=Internet,o=root and dc=customer2,dc=com,o=Internet,o=root contain the inetDomain class, but dc=com,o=Internet,o=root does not. The latter is present only to provide structure to the tree.

Entries with an inetDomain attribute are called virtual domains. These must have the attribute inetDomainBaseDN filled with the DN of the top level organization entry where the data of this domain is stored in the convergence tree. For example, the virtual domain entry in dc=cust2,dc=com,o=Internet,o=root contains the attribute inetDomainBaseDN with value o=Cust2,o=isp,o=root.

If an inetDomainStatus attribute has a value of inactive or deleted, the entry is ignored.


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What is ADC Full Form?

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What is Aerospace Defense Command ?

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What is NADCAP Full Form?

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What is National Aerospace and Defense Contractions Accreditation Program?

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The National Aerospace and Defense Contractions Accreditation Program is administered by the Performance Review Institute (PRI). Nadcap was established in 1990 by SAE International. Nadcap's membership consists of "prime contractors" who coordinate with aerospace accredited suppliers to develop industry-wide audit criteria for special processes and products. Through PRI, Nadcap provides independent certification of manufacturing processes for the industry. PRI has its headquarters in Warrendale, Pennsylvania with branch offices for Nadcap located in London, Beijing, and Nagoya.

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What is SDCAA Full Form?

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What is DCARA Full Form?

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Full Form of DCD

Full Form: Data Carrier Detect
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is DCD Full Form?

DCD full form is Data Carrier Detect.

What is Data Carrier Detect?

Data Carrier Detect, abbreviated as DCD, or alternately Carrier Detect abbreviated as CD, is a control signal present inside an RS-232 serial communications cable that goes between a computer and another device, such as a modem. This signal is a simple "high/low" status bit that is sent "from DCE to DTE", or in a typical scenario, from the peripheral to the computer. It is present on virtually all PC serial ports - pin 1 of a nine-pin (DE9) serial port, or pin 8 over a 25-pin (DB25) port. Its purpose varies depending on the device connected, but the most typical meaning is to indicate when a modem is connected to another remote modem via telephone lines.

The word "carrier" is a reference to the analog carrier signal generated by a modem, which is modulated to carry the data. On a data modem, loss of the carrier equates to termination of the connection.

Much like the Ring Indicator signal, on a PC's serial port, changes to the DCD signal state can generate a hardware interrupt that can be captured by the processor any time the DCD signal changes state, preventing the PC from needing to constantly poll the pin.

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What is DCM Full Form?

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Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is DCS Full Form?

DCS full form is Digital-Coded Squelch.

What is Digital Code Squelch?

Digital Code Squelch (DCS) is a further development of the continuous tone-coded squelch system or CTCSS that uses a slow-speed, binary data stream passed as sub-audible data along with the transmission. Motorola calls this Digital Private Line or DPL. It consists of a 23-bit telegram sent repeatedly on the channel at 134 bits per second along with the voice transmission. This allows for over 100 possible fleet codes to be used. This gives it an advantage over the CTCSS tones in that there are more possible codes to use; however, it does use more bandwidth and can be affected by voice tones below 300 Hz if not properly filtered by the radio circuitry.

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What is AC CDC Full Form?

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What is Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre?

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Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is DC Full Form?

DC full form is Doctor of Chiropractic.

What is Doctor of Chiropractic?

Chiropractors don't hold medical degrees, so they aren't medical doctors. They do have extensive training in chiropractic care and are licensed practitioners. Chiropractors begin their education by getting an undergraduate degree with a focus on the sciences.