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Full Form of DB

Full Form: Deutsche Bahn
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is DB Full Form?

DB full form is Deutsche Bahn.

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Full Form of dB

Full Form: DeciBel
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is dB Full Form?

dB full form is DeciBel.

What is DeciBel?

The decibel (symbol: dB) is a relative unit of measurement equal to one tenth of a bel (B). It expresses the ratio of two values of a power or root-power quantity on a logarithmic scale. Two signals whose levels differ by one decibel have a power ratio of 101/10 (approximately 1.26) or root-power ratio of 101⁄20 (approximately 1.12).[1][2]

The unit expresses a change in value (e.g., +1 dB or −1 dB) or an absolute value. In the latter case, the numeric value expresses the ratio of a value to a fixed reference value; when used in this way, the unit symbol is often suffixed with letter codes that indicate the reference value. For example, for the reference value of 1 volt, a common suffix is "V" (e.g., "20 dBV").[3][4]

Two principal types of scaling of the decibel are in common use. When expressing a power ratio, it is defined as ten times the logarithm in base 10.[5] That is, a change in power by a factor of 10 corresponds to a 10 dB change in level. When expressing root-power quantities, a change in amplitude by a factor of 10 corresponds to a 20 dB change in level. The decibel scales differ by a factor of two, so that the related power and root-power levels change by the same value in linear systems, where power is proportional to the square of amplitude.

The definition of the decibel originated in the measurement of transmission loss and power in telephony of the early 20th century in the Bell System in the United States. The bel was named in honor of Alexander Graham Bell, but the bel is seldom used. Instead, the decibel is used for a wide variety of measurements in science and engineering, most prominently in acoustics, electronics, and control theory. In electronics, the gains of amplifiers, attenuation of signals, and signal-to-noise ratios are often expressed in decibels.

Full Form of DBDM

Full Form: Dual Band Dual Mode
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is DBDM Full Form?

DBDM full form is Dual Band Dual Mode.

What is Dual Band Dual Mode?

A compact dual-band dual-mode and dual-polarized (DBDMDP) antenna based on an asymmetrical Y-shaped microstrip line feeding along with a square ring radiator is proposed. The structure is loaded with two pairs of L-strips to extend the lower mode bandwidth (center frequency fc = 9.36 GHz). This section is employed to change an electromagnetic field distribution and achieve dipole-like omni-directional linearly polarized (LP) radiation. The asymmetrical Y-shaped microstrip line feeding section is used to realize patch-like directional circular polarization (CP) radiation for the higher mode (at fc = 12.13 GHz). The measured results show that the 10-dB impedance bandwidths for the dipole mode and patch mode are equal to 730 MHz (7.72%, fc = 9.45 GHz) and 1648 MHz (14.26%, fc = 11.56 GHz), respectively, among which the 3 dB simulated axial ratio bandwidth of the patch mode is of 1280 MHz (10.74%, centre frequency of CP band fCP = 11.92 GHz). The two modes’ maximum gains at fc = 9.36 and 12.13 GHz are equal to 1.44 and 2.62 dBi, respectively. The maximum peak gain is of 3.32 dBi at frequency of 12.27 GHz. This single-feed patch antenna can be useful in wireless communication applications for its compact structure, considerable bandwidth, stable radiation pattern and polarization diversity.

Full Form of DBDP

Full Form: Dual-Band Dual-Polar
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is DBDP Full Form?

DBDP full form is Dual-Band Dual-Polar.

Full Form of DBDPA

Full Form: Dual Band Dual Polar Antenna
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is DBDPA Full Form?

DBDPA full form is Dual Band Dual Polar Antenna.

What is Dual Band Dual Polar Antenna?

This letter presents a dual-band, dual-polarized antenna array arrangement for low grating lobe base-station antenna applications. The presented array arrangement uses two different lower band elements to achieve a 2.5-time element spacing array scheme, in which lower band elements spacing is 2.5 times of upper band elements spacing. With this arrangement, both the lower and upper band element spacing can be reduced, leading to a better grating lobe performance. To verify the idea, an antenna array operating at two bands, namely, 690-960 and 1690-2690 MHz, is presented. For 690-960 MHz array, two different radiation elements are designed, each of them has two pairs of bent dipoles for dual-polarization operation. The smaller lower band element is embedded with one upper band element. Meanwhile, the larger one is embedded with two upper band elements. An array consisting of five lower band elements and 12 upper band elements is fabricated and tested. Measured results show that the array has a good performance with return loss larger than 15 dB, ports isolation better than 28 dB. Besides, the grating lobe value is better than -12 dB at tilt angle 12° for both upper and lower band, which is a significant improvement over its former counterparts.

A dual-band dual-polarized omnidirectional antenna is investigated. The two bands are generated by a lower circular patch and an upper circular patch, respectively. A set of conductive vias and a coupled ring are utilized to widen the antenna bandwidth. Curved branches are introduced to contribute to circularly polarized radiation. A prototype was designed, fabricated and measured to demonstrate the performance of the antenna. Measured results show that an overlapped bandwidth of 15% from 2.22 to 2.58 GHz for both S11 ≤ −10 dB and axial ratio ≤3 dB is obtained in the low band, and an impedance bandwidth of 11.1% from 5.63 to 6.29 GHz is achieved in the high band. Measured peak gains are approximately 4.3 dBic and 5.4 dBi at two bands. Moreover, omnidirectional radiation patterns are also obtained within the operating band.

Full Form of DBDT

Full Form: Dual-Band Desk-Top
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is DBDT Full Form?

DBDT full form is Dual-Band Desk-Top.

Full Form of DBDTA

Full Form: Dual-Band Desk-Top Antenna
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is DBDTA Full Form?

DBDTA full form is Dual-Band Desk-Top Antenna.

Full Form of dBm

Full Form: DeciBel relative to one milliWatt
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is dBm Full Form?

dBm full form is DeciBel relative to one milliWatt.

What is DeciBel relative to one milliWatt?

The expression dBm is used to define signal strength in wires and cables at RF and AF frequencies. The symbol is an abbreviation for "decibels relative to one milliwatt," where one milliwatt (1 mW) equals 1/1000 of a watt (0.001 W or 10 -3 W). This unit is commonly used in test laboratories.

The dBm increment is based on the decibel , a logarithm ic measure of relative power . Suppose a signal has a power level of P mW. Then the signal strength in dBm, symbolized S dBm , is:

S dBm = 10 log 10 P

A 1-mW signal has a level of 0 dBm. Signals weaker than 1 mW have negative dBm values; signals stronger than 1 mW have positive dBm values.

Full Form of YADB

Full Form: Young Alumni Development Board
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is YADB Full Form?

YADB full form is Young Alumni Development Board

What is Young Alumni Development Board?

The Young Alumni Development Councils are one of the Annual Fund’s most vibrant and long-standing volunteer networks. The councils were launched in 1999 during the Campaign for Duke as a way to cultivate the next generation of leadership volunteers and donors. The first Council began in New York City with eight members. Today, the Councils have nearly 400 members in eight major cities: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C.

Full Form of ACDBE

Full Form: Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is ACDBE Full Form?

ACDBE is full form Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise

What is Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise?

ACDBE is an acronym for Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise. The ACDBE Program is similar to the DBE program in that it is a Department of Transportation (DOT) program designed to level the playing field for small businesses who wish to participate in contracting opportunities at airports.

Full Form of ACDBE

Full Form: Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is ACDBE Full Form?

ACDBE is full form Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise

What is Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise?

ACDBE is an acronym for Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise. The ACDBE Program is similar to the DBE program in that it is a Department of Transportation (DOT) program designed to level the playing field for small businesses who wish to participate in contracting opportunities at airports.