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Full Form of CPL

Full Form: Cost Per Like
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is CPL Full Form?

CPL is full form Cost Per Like

What is Cost Per Like?

Cost per mille (CPM), also called cost per thousand (CPT) (in Latin, French and Italian, mille means one thousand), is a commonly used measurement in advertising. It is the cost an advertiser pays for one thousand views or impressions of an advertisement.[1] Radio, television, newspaper, magazine, out-of-home advertising, and online advertising can be purchased on the basis of exposing the ad to one thousand viewers or listeners. It is used in marketing as a benchmarking metric to calculate the relative cost of an advertising campaign or an ad message in a given medium.[2][3]

The "cost per thousand advertising impressions" metric (CPM) is calculated by dividing the cost of an advertising placement by the number of impressions (expressed in thousands) that it generates. CPM is useful for comparing the relative efficiency of various advertising opportunities or media and in evaluating the overall costs of advertising campaigns.[4]

For media without countable views, CPM reflects the cost per 1000 estimated views of the ad. This traditional form of measuring advertising cost can also be used in tandem with performance based models such as percentage of sale, or cost per acquisition (CPA).

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What is BCPL Full Form?

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Full Form of CPL

Full Form: Computer Program Library
Category: Computing
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is CPL Full Form?

CPL is full form Computer Program Library

What is Computer Program Library?

In computer science, a library is a collection of non-volatile resources used by computer programs, often for software development. These may include configuration data, documentation, help data, message templates, pre-written code and subroutines, classes, values or type specifications.

Full Form of RCPL

Full Form: Routing Control Parameter List
Category: Computing
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is RCPL Full Form?

RCPL is full form Routing Control Parameter List

What is Routing Control Parameter List?

A routing control parameter list (RCPL) is associated with each z/TPF input or output message. The RCPL provides information about the origin, destination, and characteristics of the message. z/TPF programs use this information to determine the routing required for the message. Application programs, for input messages, use the RCPL to determine the message characteristics and its origin. The application's input message editor must look at the RCPL to determine if the input is a normal new message, a resubmitted input message resulting from failure of a reply to the original, or a returned output message resulting from a failure to transmit successfully to its destination.For output messages, the application program generates the RCPL to provide the z/TPF programs with the information necessary to route the message to its destination.The RCPL is passed to the application starting at ebw000 of the ECB work area. The length of the RCPL is either the 12-byte basic format or 16-byte extended format. The extended format provides for an additional optional general data area of up to 82 bytes. The application must specify at implementation time which format will be used. This is done with the RCPL parameter of the MSGRTA macro in SIP. (See z/TPF and z/TPFDF System Generation.)

Full Form of CPL

Full Form: Cost Per Lead
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is CPL Full Form?

CPL is full form Cost Per Lead

What is Cost Per Lead?

Cost per lead, often abbreviated as CPL, is an online advertising pricing model, where the advertiser pays for an explicit sign-up from a consumer interested in the advertiser's offer. It is also commonly called online lead generation. 

Full Form of CPLTL

Full Form: Current Portion of Long-Term Liabilities
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is CPLTL Full Form?

CPLTL is full form Current Portion of Long-Term Liabilities

What is Current Portion of Long-Term Liabilities?

The current portion of long-term debt (CPLTD) is the amount of unpaid principal from long-term debt that has accrued in a company's normal operating cycle (typically less than 12 months). It is considered a current liability because it has to be paid within that period.

Full Form of CPLA

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Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is CPLA Full Form?

CPLA full form is City Planning and Landscape Architecture.

What is City Planning and Landscape Architecture?

Landscape architecture involves the planning, design, management, and nurturing of the built and natural environments. With their unique skill set, landscape architects work to improve human and environmental health in all communities.

Full Form of CPLC

Full Form: Citizens-Police Liaison Committee
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is CPLC Full Form?

CPLC full form is Citizens-Police Liaison Committee.

Full Form of CPLG

Full Form: Center for Public Leadership and Government
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is CPLG Full Form?

CPLG full form is Center for Public Leadership and Government.

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Full Form: Flight Corporal
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is FCPL Full Form?

FCPL full form is Flight Corporal.

What is Flight Corporal?

Flight Corporal you will need to have the following prerequisites: Successfully completed Proficiency Level 2. Completed at least six months satisfactory service at the rank of Corporal.

Full Form of MCPL

Full Form: Master Corporal
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is MCPL Full Form?

MCPL full form is Master Corporal.

What is Master Corporal?

Master corporal (MCpl) (French: caporal-chef) is a military rank used by a number of countries including the Canadian Armed Forces.