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Full Form of CIIP

Full Form: Citizens Initiative For Internet Policy
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is CIIP Full Form?

CIIP is full form Citizens Initiative For Internet Policy

What is Citizens Initiative For Internet Policy?

oday there may be no resource as powerful, or as vulnerable, as data. The central role that data sharing plays in contemporary society, ranging from use of social media to accessing administrative services, is accompanied by a high degree of risk. Data sharing on a mass scale and for many purposes in a digitally connected world means that our personal information is increasingly open to attack and misuse. In our online communications and transactions, we risk exposing details about our lives that used to be private as a matter of course. This includes not just financial data that must be kept secure but also information about our location, our friends, families and associates, our political beliefs, our purchases and even our health data. Further, States across the globe are creating digital identity systems that connect to our biometric information, building a bridge from our digital activities to our lives and identity offline. This digital identity may then become the target of exploitation, either for commercial or political ends.

Prior to the 2016 presidential elections in the United States, the British firm Cambridge Analytica enabled the use of data from 50 million Facebook accounts to create profiles for targeted political advertisements. The resulting scandal has helped raise public awareness globally about the power of data for manipulation and control in the digital era, and of how few protections we have against this kind of abuse. There is no comprehensive data protection framework in the United States, and little to stop the misuse of Facebook’s platform to sow discord online and potentially influence elections. The same lack of protections may have also been a factor in the 2018 presidential elections in Brazil.1 In the absence of appropriate laws, policies and corporate practices that are grounded in internationally recognized principles for human rights, the data that we share every day can be twisted to undermine democratic processes and hurt the most vulnerable among us.