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Full Form of CIGF

Full Form: Caribbean Internet Governance Forum
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is CIGF Full Form?

CIGF is full form Caribbean Internet Governance Forum

What is Caribbean Internet Governance Forum?

The Caribbean Internet Governance Forum (CIGF) is a multi-stakeholder grouping initially convened by the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) and the CARICOM Secretariat in 2005 to bring together Caribbean views on the issues that were being addressed at the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS). The CIGF has since been convened annually by the CTU with the intention of studying and offering recommendations on technical, content, policy, cyber security, privacy and other matters related to the Internet. The CIGF was the first regional forum of its kind worldwide and it continues to evolve with the Internet.

The CIGF has had 16 sessions from its inception to 2020 and has produced and maintained a policy framework document based on the outputs of those sessions and inter-sessional online discussions. 

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Category: Internet
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What is CIGF Full Form?

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What is Commonwealth Internet Governance Forum?

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a multistakeholder governance group for policy dialogue on issues of Internet governance. It brings together all stakeholders in the Internet governance debate, whether they represent governments, the private sector or civil society, including the technical and academic community, on an equal basis and through an open and inclusive process.[1] The establishment of the IGF was formally announced by the United Nations Secretary-General in July 2006. It was first convened in October–November 2006 and has held an annual meeting since then.

1    History and development of the Internet Governance Forum
1.1    WSIS Phase I, WGIG, and WSIS Phase II
1.2    2005 mandate
1.3    Formation of the IGF
1.4    2011 mandate renewal and improvements process
1.5    2015 mandate renewal

Full Form of CIGF

Full Form: Chad Internet Gouvernance Forum
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is CIGF Full Form?

CIGF is full form Chad Internet Gouvernance Forum

What is Chad Internet Gouvernance Forum?

The need for the Internet Governance Forum to address more specifically the issues arising from the need of different communities, resulted in many of the multistakeholder organizing teams of various countries to organize their national IGFs.

Below table shows the current record of national IGFs, per regions. For more details about the IGF initiatives, click on the regions below.