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Full Form of CESTO

Full Form: Common Examiner's Support Tool
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is CESTO Full Form?

CESTO is full form Common Examiner's Support Tool

What is Common Examiner's Support Tool?

In 2018, the Strategy of Activities at the Office until 2022, which includes activities in the area of patent information, was adopted.  The Office intends in 2018 - 2022 to pursue the following main priorities to improve the quality of services provided and to optimize the Office's activities:

Computerization of the Office - to continue with computerization of the Office and to incorporate the current requirements of the national e-Government, to create technical means for the main principle of e-Government “once-only principle”;
Open data - in the framework of the Government Initiative for Open Governance, to make available data of an intangible nature, which, due to the development of the informatisation of society, currently exists mainly in the form of electronic data;
Streamlining of activities - continuation of the modernization of the Unified Information System of the Office with regard to the legislation development, international relations and information technologies, digitization of paper files for speeding up proceedings, etc.;
Awareness-raising - aiming at transfer of knowledge and importance of using intellectual property protection to research and practice, raising awareness of industrial property protection from elementary schools to universities;
Improving the quality of the Office services and outputs – continuing the participation in cooperation projects with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) as well as implementation of results of these projects and using tools.