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Full Form of BP

Full Form: Battery Powered
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is BP Full Form?

BP full form is Battery Powered.


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Full Form of AABP

Full Form: American Academy of Behavioral Psychology
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is AABP Full Form?

AABP full form is American Academy of Behavioral Psychology.

What is American Academy of Behavioral Psychology?.

The American Academy of Health Behavior was founded in 1997 to “transform the health promotion and health education field from a teaching- and service-centered profession to one with a stronger research foundation in which discovery would be valued as a means of improving practice and enhancing public health. The origination of the Academy was based on the belief that the future growth and evolution of the health promotion and health education fields rested on a strong commitment to conducting and disseminating quality research.” The Academy’s executive offices are located at the University of Maryland at College Park, in the Department of Public and Community Health. The Academy sponsors the American Journal of Health Behavior (formerly Health Values).

Full Form of BNBP

Full Form: Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Paramedicine
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is BNBP Full Form?

BNBP full form is Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Paramedicine.

What is Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Paramedicine?

In this double degree you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to become both a registered nurse and a registered paramedic. The Bachelor of Nursing is known for producing adaptable, safe and ethical nurses – in fact, more nurses graduate from ACU than anywhere else in Australia.

Full Form of BP

Full Form: Bachelor of Pharmacy
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is BP Full Form?

BP full form is Bachelor of Pharmacy.

What is Bachelor of Pharmacy?

A Bachelor of Pharmacy is a graduate academic degree in the field of pharmacy. In many countries, this degree is a prerequisite for registration to practice as a pharmacist. Since both PharmB and PharmD are prerequisites to license in most western countries they’re considered equivalent. 

Full Form of BP

Full Form: Boiling Point
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is BP Full Form?

BP full form is Boiling Point.

What is Boiling Point?

The boiling point of a substance is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid equals the pressure surrounding the liquid and the liquid changes into a vapor. The boiling point of a liquid varies depending upon the surrounding environmental pressure. 


Full Form of BPA

Full Form: Bachelor of Performing Arts
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is BPA Full Form?

BPA full form is Bachelor of Performing Arts.

What is Bachelor of Performing Arts?

Bachelor of Performing Arts is an undergraduate programme which is concerned with the entertainment activities which are performed physically in front of an audience. This undergraduate programme comes with three or four year tenure and there are numerous colleges in India which offer this course to the aspirants.

Full Form of BPA

Full Form: Bachelor of Professional Arts
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is BPA Full Form?

BPA full form is Bachelor of Professional Arts.

What is Bachelor of Professional Arts?

BPA or Bachelor of Performing Arts is an undergraduate degree course that is all about entertainment and its related techniques. The course is of three or four years duration and is offered across different universities and colleges in India.

A BPA course focuses on three major aspects of performance and entertainment industry - music, dance, and drama and provides specialisation to students in any one of these. The course helps students refine their skills and become a successful artist in any of the three varied forms of performing arts - dance, drama and music.

Full Form of BPBA

Full Form: Bachelor Programme in Business Administration
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is BPBA Full Form?

BPBA full form is Bachelor Programme in Business Administration.

What is Bachelor Programme in Business Administration?

 This program focuses on preparing students for vital roles in public, private, and nonprofit organizations. Core business subjects include principles of accounting, business communications, finance for business, principles of macroeconomics, business research, and global business strategies.

Other topics may be selected to match the particular interests of students, such as business law, quantitative analysis, marketing, and integrated business.

Graduates with a bachelor in business administration tend to have the ability to communicate effectively and directly with others. They also have above-average writing, speaking, and reading skills, strong interpersonal skills, and are comfortable making decisions and taking responsibility.  

Full Form of BPE

Full Form: Bachelor of Physical Education
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is BPE Full Form?

BPE full form is Bachelor of Physical Education.

What is Bachelor of Physical Education?

A Bachelor of Physical Education is a bachelor degree granted by some universities. In many Canadian universities it has been replaced by a Bachelor of Kinesiology. The degree can include topics such as sport science, coaching, and outdoor education. 

Full Form of BPH

Full Form: Bachelor of Public Health
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is BPH Full Form?

BPH full form is Bachelor of Public Health.

What is Bachelor of Public Health?

The Bachelor of Science in Public Health is an undergraduate degree that prepares students to pursue careers in the public, private, or non-profit sector in areas such as public health, environmental health, health administration, epidemiology, nutrition, biostatistics, or health policy and planning.

Full Form of BPHARM

Full Form: Bachelor of Pharmacy
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is BPHARM Full Form?

BPHARM full form is Bachelor of Pharmacy.

What is Bachelor of Pharmacy?

A Bachelor of Pharmacy is a graduate academic degree in the field of pharmacy. In many countries, this degree is a prerequisite for registration to practice as a pharmacist. Since both PharmB and PharmD are prerequisites to license in most western countries they’re considered equivalent.