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Full Form of BLT

Full Form: Basic Language Translation
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is BLT Full Form?

BLT is full form Basic Language Translation    

What is Basic Language Translation?

A translator or programming language processor is a generic term that can refer to anything that converts code from one computer language into another.[1][2] A program written in high-level language is called source program. These include translations between high-level and human-readable computer languages such as C++ and Java, intermediate-level languages such as Java bytecode, low-level languages such as the assembly language and machine code, and between similar levels of language on different computing platforms, as well as from any of the above to another.[1]

The term is also used for translators between software implementations and hardware implementations (ASICs microchips) of the same program, and from software descriptions of a microchip to the logic gates needed to build it.

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What is SBLT Full Form?

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Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is BLTS Full Form?

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What is Basic Language Translation System?

Neural Network Language Models (NNLMs) are a successful approach to Natural Language Processing tasks, such as Machine Translation. We introduce in this work a Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) system which fully integrates NNLMs in the decoding stage, breaking the traditional approach based on [Formula: see text]-best list rescoring. The neural net models (both language models (LMs) and translation models) are fully coupled in the decoding stage, allowing to more strongly influence the translation quality. Computational issues were solved by using a novel idea based on memorization and smoothing of the softmax constants to avoid their computation, which introduces a trade-off between LM quality and computational cost. These ideas were studied in a machine translation task with different combinations of neural networks used both as translation models and as target LMs, comparing phrase-based and [Formula: see text]-gram-based systems, showing that the integrated approach seems more promising for [Formula: see text]-gram-based systems, even with nonfull-quality NNLMs.

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