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Full Form of BIND

Full Form: Berkely Internet Name Daemon
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is BIND Full Form?

BIND is full form Berkely Internet Name Daemon

What is Berkely Internet Name Daemon?

BIND stands for Berkeley Internet Name Daemon and was developed at the University of California at Berkeley. BIND is a software server application that provides name resolution services and runs on nearly all platforms (yes, including WIndows!). Included with BIND are several standard tools such as dig, nslookp and namedxfr. BIND is the software used by most Unix, BSD and Linux based systems to provide name resolution. BIND is written and maintained by the Internet Software Consortium (ISC) who also maintain the root DNS server F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. In fact, ALL of the DNS root servers run BIND!

Make your life a whole lot easier. Just run BIND on all your DNS servers that communicate with the Internet even if you are on Windows. BIND is everywhere. DO NOT try to get your Windows DNS servers to communicate directly with BIND unless you brain-damage BIND first.

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Full Form of BIND

Full Form: Berkeley Internet Name Domain
Category: Computing
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is BIND Full Form?

BIND is full form Berkeley Internet Name Domain

What is Berkeley Internet Name Domain?

BIND is a suite of software for interacting with the Domain Name System. Its most prominent component, named, performs both of the main DNS server roles, acting as an authoritative name server for DNS zones and as a recursive resolver in the network. 

Full Form of BIND

Full Form: Berkley Internet Naming Daemon
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is BIND Full Form?

BIND is full form Berkley Internet Naming Daemon

What is Berkley Internet Naming Daemon?

On most modern networks, including the Internet, users locate other computers by name. This frees users from the daunting task of remembering the numerical network address of network resources. The most effective way to configure a network to allow such name-based connections is to set up a Domain Name Service (DNS) or a nameserver, which resolves hostnames on the network to numerical addresses and vice versa.

This chapter reviews the nameserver included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) DNS server, with an emphasis on the structure of its configuration files and how it may be administered both locally and remotely.

Full Form of BIND

Full Form: Buggy Internet Name Daemon
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is BIND Full Form?

BIND is full form Buggy Internet Name Daemon

What is Buggy Internet Name Daemon?

March 23, 2001: The Lion worm runs rampant around the world, infecting Linux DNS servers that are using ISC's BIND software. Lion targets port 53, the standard port to which DNS servers listen, takes advantage of some known exploits in the BIND software, installs the t0rn rootkit (which replaces essential system binaries), and propagates itself.

The Lion worm, similar to the Ramen worm in concept, is purely malicious. This worm is out to destroy your system. Fortunately, the vulnerabilities it takes advantage of are publicly known, and the conscientious system administrator who knows to pay attention to vendor updates and upgrade them should not be affected. Lion cannot affect BIND version 8.2.3, the last full release of the 8.x series. Most vendors made releases available at the end of January to correct these problems.

Full Form of BIND

Full Form: Berkley Internet Name Domain
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is BIND Full Form?

BIND is full form Berkley Internet Name Domain

What is Berkley Internet Name Domain?

DNS associates hostnames with their respective IP addresses, so that when users want to connect to other machines on the network, they can refer to them by name, without having to remember IP addresses.

Use of DNS and FQDNs also has advantages for system administrators, allowing the flexibility to change the IP address for a host without affecting name-based queries to the machine. Conversely, administrators can shuffle which machines handle a name-based query.

DNS is normally implemented using centralized servers that are authoritative for some domains and refer to other DNS servers for other domains.

When a client host requests information from a nameserver, it usually connects to port 53. The nameserver then attempts to resolve the FQDN based on its resolver library, which may contain authoritative information about the host requested or cached data from an earlier query. If the nameserver does not already have the answer in its resolver library, it queries other nameservers, called root nameservers, to determine which nameservers are authoritative for the FQDN in question. Then, with that information, it queries the authoritative nameservers to determine the IP address of the requested host. If a reverse lookup is performed, the same procedure is used, except that the query is made with an unknown IP address rather than a name.

Full Form of BIND

Full Form: Berkely Internet Name Domain
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is BIND Full Form?

BIND is full form Berkely Internet Name Domain

What is Berkely Internet Name Domain?

Systems using IP networks must know the IP address of a remote machine in order to connect to it. However, most users prefer to use names of machines, such as hostname or a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), to specify a system when connecting to it. In addition, many programs utilize domain names in their configuration files when referring to a remote system, in order to allow IP addresses to be changed without modifying the system's name, among other reasons. The service that facilitates this is caused DNS, and it is normally implemented using centralized servers that are authoritative for some domains and refer to other DNS servers for information they do not already know.

DNS is made possible through the use of nameserver daemons that perform the IP/name translation. A client application will request information from the nameserver, usually connecting to it on the server's port 53. The nameserver will attempt to resolve the FQDN based on its resolver library, which may contain authoritative information about the host requested or cached data about that name from an earlier query. If the nameserver does not already have the answer in its resolver library, it will turn to other nameservers, called root nameservers, to determine which nameservers are authoritative for the FQDN in question. Then, with that information, it will query the authoritative nameservers for that name to determine the IP address. If performing a reverse lookup, the same procedure is used, except the query is made with an unknown IP address rather than a name.