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Full Form of ARS

Full Form: Asian Regional Section
Category: Regional
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is ARS Full Form?

ARS full form Asian Regional Section.

 What is Asian Regional Section?

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Full Form of ICARS

Full Form: International CASE Alumni Relations Survey
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is ICARS Full Form?

ICARS full form is International CASE Alumni Relations Survey

What is International CASE Alumni Relations Survey?

The CASE Alumni Relations Survey aims to streamline and coordinate alumni benchmarking and metrics across Europe and Asia-Pacific. It is born out of the decades of work undertaken by CASE and its volunteer community on past surveys, namely the International CASE Alumni Relations Survey (ICARS), International CASE Alumni Relations Survey for Business Schools (BICARS) and the Asia-Pacific Alumni Relations Survey (APARS).

Full Form of ADARS

Full Form: Antrim and District Amateur Radio Society
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is ADARS Full Form?

ADARS Antrim and District Amateur Radio Society.


Full Form of ARSI

Full Form: Amateur Radio Society of India
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is ARSI Full Form?

ARSI full form is Amateur Radio Society of India.

What is Amateur Radio Society of India?

The Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI) is a non-profit public service organization, and is registered under the Indian Societies Registration Act. ARSI is the IARU recognised national association for amateur radio operators in India and it represents Indian amateur radio interests in various international forums.

The Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI) is a national non-profit organization for amateur radio enthusiasts in India. ARSI is recognized by the Indian government under the provisions of Section 13 of the Indian Societies Registration Act (No. XXI of 1860) as amended and extended. ARSI operates a QSL bureau for those amateur radio operators in regular contact with amateur radio operators in other countries, and supports amateur radio operating awards and radio contests. The Amateur Radio Society of India represents the interests of Indian amateur radio operators before national and international regulatory authorities. ARSI is the national member society representing India in the International Amateur Radio Union.

Full Form of CARS

Full Form: California Arizona Repeater System
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is CARS Full Form?

CARS full form is California Arizona Repeater System.

Full Form of CARS

Full Form: Cascades Amateur Radio Society
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is CARS Full Form?

CARS full form is Cascades Amateur Radio Society.

What is Cascades Amateur Radio Society?

The Cascade Amateur Radio Society is a club of Ham Radio operators committed to supporting the amateur radio hobby in the Portland / Vancouver Metro area and down the I-5 corridor to the Salem area. The mission of CARS can be summed up in these three main areas, well two areas and a rather broad everything else.

Full Form of CARS

Full Form: Cascades Amateur Radio Club
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is CARS Full Form?

CARS full form is Cascades Amateur Radio Club.


Full Form of CARS

Full Form: Cascade Amateur Radio Society
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is CARS Full Form?

CARS full form is Cascade Amateur Radio Society.

What is Cascade Amateur Radio Society?

The Cascade Amateur Radio Society is a club of Ham Radio operators committed to supporting the amateur radio hobby in the Portland / Vancouver Metro area and down the I-5 corridor to the Salem area. The mission of CARS can be summed up in these three main areas, well two areas and a rather broad everything else.

Full Form of CFARS

Full Form: Cape Fear Amateur Radio Society
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is CFARS Full Form?

CFARS full form is Cape Fear Amateur Radio Society.


Full Form of DARS

Full Form: Digital Audio Radio Service
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is DARS Full Form?

DARS full form is Digital Audio Radio Service.

What is Digital Audio Radio Service?

Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) is a digital radio standard for broadcasting digital audio radio services in many countries around the world, defined and promoted by the WorldDAB forum. The standard is dominant in Europe and is also used in parts of Africa, Asia and Australia; other worldwide terrestrial digital radio standards include HD Radio, ISDB-Tb, DRM, and the related DMB.[1]

The DAB standard was initiated as a European research project called Eureka-147 in the 1980s.[2][3] The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) launched the first DAB channel in the world on 1 June 1995 (NRK Klassisk),[4] and the BBC and Swedish Radio (SR) launched their first broadcasts later that year. DAB receivers have been available in many countries since the end of the 1990s. The original version of DAB used the MP2 audio codec. An upgraded version of the system was released in February 2007, called DAB+, which uses the HE-AAC v2 (AAC+) audio codec and is more robust and efficient. DAB is not forward compatible with DAB+, which means that DAB-only receivers are not able to receive DAB+ broadcasts.[5]

DAB is generally more efficient in its use of spectrum than analogue FM radio,[6] and thus can offer more radio services for the same given bandwidth. The sound quality can be noticeably inferior if the bit-rate allocated to each audio program is not sufficient. DAB is more robust with regard to noise and multipath fading for mobile listening,[7] although DAB reception quality degrades rapidly when the signal strength falls below a critical threshold (as is normal for digital broadcasts), whereas FM reception quality degrades slowly with the decreasing signal, providing effective coverage over a larger area.

As of 2021, 42 countries are running DAB services.[8] The majority of these services are using the upgraded DAB+, with only the UK, New Zealand, Romania, Brunei Darussalam and the Philippines still using a significant number of (original) DAB services. In many countries, it is expected that existing FM services will switch over to DAB+; so far, Norway is the only country to have implemented an analog switchoff program, having switched its national broadcasters to digital-only in 2017.

Full Form of EARS

Full Form: Escondido Amateur Radio Society
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is EARS Full Form?

EARS full form is Escondido Amateur Radio Society.