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Full Form of ARO

Full Form: Amateur Radio Operator
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is ARO Full Form?

ARO full form is Amateur Radio Operator.

What is Amateur Radio Operator?

An amateur radio operator is someone who uses equipment at an amateur radio station to engage in two-way personal communications with other amateur operators on radio frequencies assigned to the amateur radio service. Amateur radio operators have been granted an amateur radio license by a governmental regulatory authority after passing an examination on applicable regulations, electronics, radio theory, and radio operation. As a component of their license, amateur radio operators are assigned a call sign that they use to identify themselves during communication. There are about three million amateur radio operators worldwide.

Amateur radio operators are also known as radio amateurs or hams. The term "ham" as a nickname for amateur radio operators originated in a pejorative usage (like "ham actor") by operators in commercial and professional radio communities, and dates to wired telegraphy. The word was subsequently adopted by amateur radio operators.

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What is ARO Full Form?

ARO full form is Austin Repeater Organization.


Full Form of AROS

Full Form: Amateur Radio Observation Service
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is AROS Full Form?

AROS full form is Amateur Radio Observation Service.

Full Form of AROUSE

Full Form: Amateur Radio Organization for Undergraduate Student Entertainment
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is AROUSE Full Form?

AROUSE full form is  Amateur Radio Organization for Undergraduate Student Entertainment.

Full Form of KARO

Full Form: Kane Amateur Radio Operators
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is KARO Full Form?

KARO full form is Kane Amateur Radio Operators.

What is Kane Amateur Radio Operators?

 Kane County Office of Emergency Management supports the KC9OEM 2m repeater which operates at 100W on 145.47 MHz with a 103.5 PL and a -600 KHz offset. The 6.7dB antenna resides within the City of Geneva, Illinois and is approximately 300 feet above a ground elevation of 738 feet.

Full Form of ARO

Full Form: After Receipt of Order
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is ARO Full Form?

ARO is full form After Receipt of Order

What is After Receipt of Order?

After receipt of order (ARO) in shipping is a payment term that indicates how many days the payment is due, after the seller has received the order. For example, a payment could be due 15 days after the buyer has placed an order for the items, if an ARO term was agreed between the buyer and seller.

Full Form of ARO

Full Form: Annual Rate of Occurrence
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is ARO Full Form?

ARO is full form Annual Rate of Occurrence

What is Annual Rate of Occurrence?

Annual rate of occurrence (ARO) – expected number of an incident's occurrences during a calendar year. For rare incidents, it is equivalent to a probability of one or more incidents during a year; for frequent incidents, it is equivalent to the expected number of incidents per year.

Full Form of AROM

Full Form: After Receipt Of Material
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is AROM Full Form?

AROM is full form After Receipt Of Material

What is After Receipt Of Material?

Receipt of materials It is recommended that each lot of material is checked upon receipt to determine that the order was fulfilled correctly and arrived in good condition.

Full Form of AROS

Full Form: AROS Research Operating System
Category: Computing
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is AROS Full Form?

AROS is full form AROS Research Operating System

What is AROS Research Operating System?

AROS Research Operating System is a free and open-source multi media centric implementation of the AmigaOS 3.1 application programming interface. Designed to be portable and flexible.

Full Form of AAROHI

Full Form: Aarohi means going towards sucsess.
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is AAROHI Full Form?

AAROHI is full form Aarohi means going towards sucsess.

What is Aarohi means going towards sucsess.?

Imagine  a school where there is no curriculum – because we believe that children can decide what they want to learn, how much they want to learn. Children rather develop a set of key 35 objectives over all the years of schooling.

Imagine a school where there is no teaching – because we believe that children can decide how they want to learn – on their own, with each other and from various resources. We are there to guide them, where they need us.

Imagine a school where there are no classes – because we believe that when children learn and teach each other – there is no need to separate them based on ages. We simply learn from whomsoever we can.

Imagine a school where there are no tests and exams – because we believe that children can assess themselves. Also because children do not need to learn for some external objective (marks) but for their own love for learning.

Imagine Aarohi, a life-school – where learning happens because children want to learn from their life – for their life.

Imagine a school which does not make the learning easy. Children like it challenging.

Imagine a school which does not make the learning obvious. We make it confusing.

Imagine a school which does not make the learning interesting. Children work from their interest.

Imagine a school which guarantees one definitive outcome – that all learning will be self discovery.

Full Form of ARO

Full Form: Action Racing Online
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Amateur Radio

What is ARO Full Form?

ARO is full form Action Racing Online

What is Action Racing Online?

In sport, racing is a competition of speed, against an objective criterion, usually a clock or to a specific point. The competitors in a race try to complete a given task in the shortest amount of time. Typically this involves traversing some distance, but it can be any other task involving speed to reach a specific goal.

A race may be run continuously to finish or may be made of several segments called heats, stages or legs. A heat is usually run over the same course at different times. A stage is a shorter section of a much longer course or a time trial.

Early records of races are evident on pottery from ancient Greece, which depicted running men vying for first place. A chariot race is described in Homer's Iliad.