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Full Form of AOI

Full Form: Arab Organization of Industrialization
Category: Regional
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is AOI Full Form?

AOI full form is Arab Organization of Industrialization.

What is Arab Organization of Industrialization ?

The Arab Organization for Industrialization (AOI) is one of the largest industrial organizations in Egypt.It is State-owned and enjoys an international status that gives it complete flexibility in decision-making. AOI strategies are drawn by a Supreme Committee whose Chairman is the President of Egypt and whose membership comprises several Cabinet ministers. It was established in 1975 for creating technology-based industries in the Arab World. The AOI Higher Committee is chaired by the President of Egypt.

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Full Form of AOI

Full Form: Assignment Of Interest
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is AOI Full Form?

AOI is full form Assignment Of Interest

What is Assignment Of Interest?

An assignment of interest is a transfer of a limited liability company (LLC) owner's interest in the LLC. The most common reasons for an LLC owner to transfer their interest in an LLC are to leave the LLC, to pay off a debt, or to secure a loan.

Full Form of AOIP

Full Form: Audio Over Internet Protocol
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is AOIP Full Form?

AOIP is full form Audio Over Internet Protocol

What is Audio Over Internet Protocol?

AoIP stands for Audio over Internet Protocol and is a solution for transmitting digital audio signals via IP network (usually a Local Area Network = LAN). The sound is divided into little digital packets and then transmitted to its destination using the network infrastructure. The IP address ensures that each audio packet is sent to the correct destination (usually a speaker), even when several different destinations are used (multiple speakers). Once there, the receiving station must be able to unzip the audio packets and assign them accordingly.

Full Form of AOIP

Full Form: Always On Internet Protocol
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is AOIP Full Form?

AOIP is full form Always On Internet Protocol    

What is Always On Internet Protocol?

The Internet Protocol (IP) is the network layer communications protocol in the Internet protocol suite for relaying datagrams across network boundaries. Its routing function enables internetworking, and essentially establishes the Internet.

IP has the task of delivering packets from the source host to the destination host solely based on the IP addresses in the packet headers. For this purpose, IP defines packet structures that encapsulate the data to be delivered. It also defines addressing methods that are used to label the datagram with source and destination information.

Historically, IP was the connectionless datagram service in the original Transmission Control Program introduced by Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn in 1974, which was complemented by a connection-oriented service that became the basis for the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). The Internet protocol suite is therefore often referred to as TCP/IP.

The first major version of IP, Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4), is the dominant protocol of the Internet. Its successor is Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6), which has been in increasing deployment on the public Internet since c. 2006.[1]

Full Form of AOIR

Full Form: Association of Internet Researchers
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is AOIR Full Form?

AOIR is full form Association of Internet Researchers

What is Association of Internet Researchers?

The Association of Internet Researchers is an academic association dedicated to the advancement of the cross-disciplinary field of Internet studies. It is a member-based support network promoting critical and scholarly Internet research independent from traditional disciplines and existing across academic borders. The association is international in scope.

AoIR makes important contributions to Internet studies:

We host a free, open-access mailing list with nearly 5,000 subscribers. To learn more, visit our mailing lists page.
We organise the annual Internet Research conference, one of the premier academic conferences in this field. Our conferences take place in October of each year, and more information about past and future events can be found here.
In collaboration with Information, Communication and Society we publish selected, refereed papers from the annual conference in a special issue of that journal each year. This arrangement follows four years’ publishing with Peter Lang of the Internet Research Annual.
We produce information of use for scholars in this field, such as the AoIR Guide on Ethical Online Research.

Full Form of AAOIFI

Full Form: Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is AAOIFI Full Form?

AAOIFI is full form Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions

What is Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions?

The Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions(AAOIFI) is an Islamic international autonomous non-for-profit corporate body that prepares accounting, auditing, governance, ethics and Shari'a standards for Islamic financial institutions and the industry.

Full Form of AOI

Full Form: All Other Income
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is AOI Full Form?

AOI is full form All Other Income

What is All Other Income?

Other income is income that does not come from a company's main business, such as interest. Examples of other in

Full Form of AOI

Full Form: Adjusted Operating Income
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is AOI Full Form?

AOI is full form Adjusted Operating Income

What is Adjusted Operating Income?

Adjusted Operating Income means the Company's operating income for a fiscal year, adjusted to exclude one-time or unusual items, including any effect of a change in accounting principles.

Full Form of AOI

Full Form: And Or Invert
Category: Computing
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is AOI Full Form?

AOI is full form And Or Invert

WHat is And Or Invert?

AND-OR-Invert logic and AOI gates are two-level compound logic functions constructed from the combination of one or more AND gates followed by a NOR gate.

Full Form of AAOI

Full Form: Architects' Alliance of Ireland
Category: Regional
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is AAOI Full Form?

AAOI full form is Architects' Alliance of Ireland .

What is Architects' Alliance of Ireland?

The Architects' Alliance of Ireland AAoI is an Irish pressure group founded in 2009. Its purpose is to lobby for a change in recent legislation in Ireland.

Part 3 of the Building Control Act 2007 requires long-established self-trained architects to undergo assessments before continuing to practice. The Alliance regards the present assessment test as inappropriate and overly expensive. It sees itself as in conflict with the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland.

The Alliance has declared its founders to be Leonard Barrett Midleton, Liam Hazel Skibbereen Brian Montaut Bray and Adrian Turner Athlone.

Full Form of AAOI

Full Form: Architects Alliance of Ireland
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is AAOI Full Form?

AAOI full form is Architects Alliance of Ireland.

What is Architects Alliance of Ireland?

The Architects' Alliance of Ireland is an Irish pressure group founded in 2009. Its purpose is to lobby for a change in recent legislation in Ireland. Part 3 of the Building Control Act 2007 requires long-established self-trained architects to undergo assessments before continuing to practice.