
UCCI Full Form - What is Full Form of UCCI?

Full Form: Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Commerce

What is Meaning of UCCI?

UCCI full form is Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

What is Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry?

Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a non-governmentnon-profit self-governing organisation incorporating on a voluntary basis legal entities and Ukrainian citizens registered as entrepreneurs as well as their associations.

GUCCI Full Form - What is Full Form of GUCCI?

Full Form: Good, awesome, high quality
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is Meaning of GUCCI?

UCCI full form is Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

What is Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry?

Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a non-governmentnon-profit self-governing organisation incorporating on a voluntary basis legal entities and Ukrainian citizens registered as entrepreneurs as well as their associations.