
DAUs Full Form - What is Full Form of DAUs?

Full Form: Daily Active Users
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is Meaning of DAUs?

DAUs is full form Daily Active Users

What is Daily Active Users?

Daily active users (DAU) is a metric that measures the total number of users that log in and engage with your product on a daily basis. An “active user” refers to one unique user logging in. Tracking daily active users can provide insight into the number of people who use and value your products or services.

Some may say “active users” is a vanity metric, but almost all SaaS companies use this figure to measure their overall performance, alongside similar metrics like weekly active users (WAU) and monthly active users (MAU). 

Simply logging into the platform may not be a defined action, so we often see organizations relying on more specific value-based actions, such as completing a task or creating a report as accurate DAU.