
ccTLD Full Form - What is Full Form of ccTLD?

Full Form: Country Code Top-Level Domain
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is Meaning of ccTLD?

ccTLD is full form Country Code Top-Level Domain

What is Country Code Top-Level Domain?

Every country, geographical area, sovereign state or a dependent territory has its own two-letter code that defines its country code top-level domain.

Some of the most common ccTLDs are:

.us for the United States
.ca for Canada
.uk for the United Kingdom
.in for India
.au for Australia
However, organizations often choose to use top-level domain names like .com, .net and .org rather than using their country's ccTLD.

ccTLD Full Form - What is Full Form of ccTLD?

Full Form: contry code Top Level Domain
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is Meaning of ccTLD?

ccTLD is full form Country Code Top-Level Domain

What is Country Code Top-Level Domain?

Every country, geographical area, sovereign state or a dependent territory has its own two-letter code that defines its country code top-level domain.

Some of the most common ccTLDs are:

.us for the United States
.ca for Canada
.uk for the United Kingdom
.in for India
.au for Australia
However, organizations often choose to use top-level domain names like .com, .net and .org rather than using their country's ccTLD.

ccTLD Full Form - What is Full Form of ccTLD?

Full Form: Country Code Top Level Domain
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is Meaning of ccTLD?

ccTLD is full form Country Code Top-Level Domain

What is Country Code Top-Level Domain?

Every country, geographical area, sovereign state or a dependent territory has its own two-letter code that defines its country code top-level domain.

Some of the most common ccTLDs are:

.us for the United States
.ca for Canada
.uk for the United Kingdom
.in for India
.au for Australia
However, organizations often choose to use top-level domain names like .com, .net and .org rather than using their country's ccTLD.