
AYM Full Form - What is Full Form of AYM?

Full Form: Area Youth Ministry
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Governmental

What is Meaning of AYM?

AYM full form is Area Youth Ministry.

What is Area Youth Ministry?

AYM (Area Youth Ministry) is a nationwide non-profit Christian youth organization that connects high school students with other like-minded peers and mentors. 

AYM Full Form - What is Full Form of AYM?

Full Form: Alliance for Youth Movements
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Alliances

What is Meaning of AYM?

AYM full form is Area Youth Ministry.

What is Area Youth Ministry?

AYM (Area Youth Ministry) is a nationwide non-profit Christian youth organization that connects high school students with other like-minded peers and mentors. 

FAYM Full Form - What is Full Form of FAYM?

Full Form: Fellowship of Adults in Youth Ministry
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Governmental

What is Meaning of FAYM?

AYM full form is Area Youth Ministry.

What is Area Youth Ministry?

AYM (Area Youth Ministry) is a nationwide non-profit Christian youth organization that connects high school students with other like-minded peers and mentors.