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Full Form of AJC

Full Form: Anti-Joke Chicken
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is AJC Full Form?

AJC is full form Anti-Joke Chicken    

What is Anti-Joke Chicken?

Anti-humor[1] existed well before the Internet was invented. While anti-humor comes in many forms, one of the most common is the one used in this meme: a joke-like setup followed by a non-punchline. This forms a sort of meta-joke in which ironic humor is found in the lack of any standard form of humor. One of the most well-known anti-humor jokes is the classic:

Q:Why did the chicken cross the road?
A:To get to the other side!

Dating back at least to the mid-1800s, this joke contains no inherent humor within the punchline, and is likely a partial inspiration for this meme.[2]

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Full Form: American Journal of Computational Mathematics
Category: Computing
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What is AJCM Full Form?

AJCM is full form American Journal of Computational Mathematics

What is American Journal of Computational Mathematics?

American Journal of Computational Mathematics is a journal dedicated to providing a platform for publication of articles about mathematical research in areas of science where computing plays a central and essential role emphasizing algorithms, numerical methods, and symbolic methods.

Full Form of AJCE

Full Form: Alliance For Jobs And Clean Energy
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is AJCE Full Form?

AJCE full form is Alliance For Jobs And Clean Energy.

What is Alliance For Jobs And Clean Energy?

 The Climate Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy came together as the nation’s broadest climate coalition to take bold action on climate. The Climate Alliance is a coalition of environmental advocates, labor unions, health professionals, businesses, faith communities, and communities of color, working with tribal nations–plus thousands of volunteers from across Washington State–committed building a resilient climate justice movement.

Full Form of MAJCOM

Full Form: MAJor COMmand
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is MAJCOM Full Form?

MAJCOM full form is MAJor COMmand.

What is MAJor COMmand?

Major Command or Major Commands are large formations of the United States Armed Forces. Historically, a Major Command is the highest level of command. Within the United States Army, the acronym MACOM is used for Major Command. Within the United States Air Force, the acronym MAJCOM is used.

Full Form of AJCE

Full Form: African Journal of Chemical Education
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is AJCE Full Form?

AJCE full form is African Journal of Chemical Education.

What is African Journal of Chemical Education?

The African Journal of Chemical Education (AJCE) is a biannual online journal of the Federation of African Societies of Chemistry (FASC). The primary focus of the content of AJCE is chemistry education in Africa and other parts of the world.

Full Form of MAJCOM

Full Form: MAJor COMmand
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is MAJCOM Full Form?

MAJCOM full form is MAJor COMmand.

What is MAJor COMmand?

MAJor COMmand are large formations of the United States Armed Forces.

Full Form of AJC

Full Form: Alaska Judicial Council
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is AJC Full Form?

AJC full form is Alaska Judicial Council.

What is Alaska Judicial Council?

Alaska Judicial Council is an independent citizens' commission created by the Alaska Constitution.