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Full Form of AIT

Full Form: Atmospheric Interceptor Technology
Category: Governmental
Sub Category: Air Force

What is AIT Full Form?

AIT full form is Atmospheric Interceptor Technology.

What is Atmospheric Interceptor Technology?

Atmospheric Interceptor Technology (AIT) was to develop and demonstrate advanced lightweight technologies for hypersonic HTK intercept of threat missiles within the atmosphere and integrate these technologies into a small (130 cm3), lightweight (50 kg) KV. High velocity intercepts are essential to maintain sufficient battle space, lethality, and coverage/footprint performance. However, such conditions provide severe aero-optic, aerodynamic, aerothermal, and structural requirements.

Similar Forms From Other Categories

Full Form of AIT

Full Form: Applied Information Technology
Category: Academic & Science
Sub Category: Air Force

What is AIT Full Form?

AIT full form is Applied Information Technology.

What is Applied Information Technology?

Applied information technology (AIT) is the study, design, development, implementation and support of information systems to solve the major challenges in today's work environment.

Graduate students in the applied information technology master’s degree program can update and enhance their skills in a full range of areas, including systems development, IT project management and business analysis.

Students complete the requirements for one or more graduate certificates as they work toward completing their degrees.


Full Form of CAIT

Full Form: Computer Assisted Interpreter Training
Category: Computing
Sub Category: Air Force

What is CAIT Full Form?

CAIT is full form Computer Assisted Interpreter Training

What is Computer Assisted Interpreter Training?

Now, there is a new type of technology called computer-aided interpretation (CAI). These tools allow interpreters to prepare ahead of time, aid during the live event and can assist with post-processing. Primarily, they help guarantee the quality of interpretations and the use of accurate terminology.

Full Form of AITF

Full Form: Active Internet Traffic Filtering
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Air Force

What is AITF Full Form?

AITF is full form Active Internet Traffic Filtering    

What is Active Internet Traffic Filtering?

This paper describes Active Internet Traffic Filtering (AITF), a mechanism for blocking highly distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. These attacks are an acute contemporary problem, with few practical solutions available today; we describe in this paper the reasons why no effective DDoS filtering mechanism has been deployed yet. We show that the current Internet's routers have sufficient filtering resources to thwart such attacks, with the condition that attack traffic be blocked close to its sources; AITF leverages this observation. Our results demonstrate that AITF can block a million-flow attack within seconds, while it requires only tens of thousands of wire-speed filters per participating router -- an amount easily accommodated by today's routers. AITF can be deployed incrementally and yields benefits even to the very first adopters.


Full Form of AITG

Full Form: Applied Internet Technology Group
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Air Force

What is AITG Full Form?

AITG is full form Applied Internet Technology Group    

What is Applied Internet Technology Group?

The origins of the Internet date back to the development of packet switching and research commissioned by the United States Department of Defense in the 1960s to enable time-sharing of computers.[1] The primary precursor network, the ARPANET, initially served as a backbone for interconnection of regional academic and military networks in the 1970s. The funding of the National Science Foundation Network as a new backbone in the 1980s, as well as private funding for other commercial extensions, led to worldwide participation in the development of new networking technologies, and the merger of many networks.[2] The linking of commercial networks and enterprises by the early 1990s marked the beginning of the transition to the modern Internet,[3] and generated a sustained exponential growth as generations of institutional, personal, and mobile computers were connected to the network. Although the Internet was widely used by academia in the 1980s, commercialization incorporated its services and technologies into virtually every aspect of modern life.

Full Form of AITI

Full Form: Africa Internet Technology Initiative
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Air Force

What is AITI Full Form?

AITI is full form Africa Internet Technology Initiative    

What is Africa Internet Technology Initiative?

Another key project of the e-Africa programme is the NEPAD e-Schools Initiative. The initiative aims to harness ICT technology to improve the quality of teaching and learning in African primary and secondary schools in order to equip young Africans with the knowledge and skills that will enable them to participate confidently and effectively in the global information society and knowledge economy. Sixteen African countries have signed MoUs with the NEPAD e-Africa Programme and a consortia of private sector companies to participate in the NEPAD e-Schools demo Project. To date over 80 demonstrations NEPAD e-Schools have been implemented. Each school in the demonstration project was equipped with a computer laboratory containing at least 20 PCs as well as a server and networking infrastructure and peripheral devices such as scanners, electronic whiteboards and printers. The schools were connected to the Internet to enable them to access content and to communicate with the rest of the world.

Full Form of RAIT

Full Form: Redundant Array of Inexpensive Tapes
Category: Computing
Sub Category: Air Force

What is RAIT Full Form?

RAIT is full form Redundant Array of Inexpensive Tapes

What is Redundant Array of Inexpensive Tapes?

RAIT is an acronym for "Redundant Array of Inexpensive Tapes", where data is striped over several tape drives, with one drive writing an exclusive-or-sum of the others which can be used for error recovery. Any one of the data streams can be lost, and the data can still be recovered.

Full Form of AITA

Full Form: Absolute Integration of Tax Accounting
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Air Force

What is AITA Full Form?

AITA is full form Absolute Integration of Tax Accounting

What is Absolute Integration of Tax Accounting?

Tax integration mechanism Can help you figure out all your income tax issues ... As an experienced, certified, licensed, and expert tax accounting firm we

Full Form of AITA

Full Form: Artificial Intelligence Teaching Assistant
Category: Computing
Sub Category: Air Force

What is AITA Full Form?

AITA is full form Artificial Intelligence Teaching Assistant

What is Artificial Intelligence Teaching Assistant?

An AI-powered virtual teaching assistant is a program designed to improve a student's learning experience. Many online college courses require students to learn something by themselves. However, when the amount of self-learning exceeds the time spent with a teacher, results are less than satisfactory

Full Form of EAIT

Full Form: Earnings After Income and Taxes
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Air Force

What is EAIT Full Form?

EAIT is full form Earnings After Income and Taxes

What is Earnings After Income and Taxes?

Earnings after tax (EAT) is the measure of a company's net profitability. It is calculated by subtracting all expenses and income taxes from the revenues the business has earned. For this reason EAT is often referred to as “the bottom line.”

Full Form of FAITH

Full Form: Fix All Incorrect Transaction History
Category: Business & Finance
Sub Category: Air Force

What is FAITH Full Form?

FAITH is full form Fix All Incorrect Transaction History

What is Fix All Incorrect Transaction History?

Check to see if your payment method is up to date. ...
Make sure that you have enough money in your account for the purchase.
If you're still having issues, contact your bank to see if there's a problem with your account.
Try making the purchase again with a different payment method.