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Full Form of AHC

Full Form: Async Http Client
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is AHC Full Form?

AHC is full form Async Http Client

What is Async Http Client?

The library was designed to be asynchronous, but when needed we can simulate synchronous calls by blocking on the Future object. Both execute() and executeRequest() methods return a ListenableFuture<Response> object. This class extends the Java Future interface, thus inheriting the get() method, which can be used to block the current thread until the HTTP request is completed and returns a response:

Future<Response> responseFuture = boundGetRequest.execute();
Future<Response> responseFuture = client.executeRequest(unboundRequest);
Using synchronous calls is useful when trying to debug parts of our code, but it's not recommended to be used in a production environment where asynchronous executions lead to better performance and throughput.

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What is AHCD Full Form?

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What is AHC Full Form?

AHC full form is Architectural Heritage Center.

What is Architectural Heritage Center?

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What is AAHC Full Form?

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What is Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce?

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