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Full Form of ACE

Full Form: American, Canadian, and English
Category: Regional
Sub Category: Regional Terms

What is ACE Full Form?

ACE full form is American, Canadian, and English .

Whast is American, Canadian, and English?

Canadian English seems neither here nor there in the grand scheme of English varieties. On the one hand, Canadians prefer the “British” spelling of words like “colour” or “centre.” On the other hand, everyone who has heard an anglophone Canadian speak will notice that the pronunciation is closer to General American English. In fact, most people will have a hard time differentiating Canadian English from American English speakers.

But every once in awhile — most famously when Canadians say “out,” “about” or “eh” — there’s no denying that Canadian English has some unique characteristics. So what are they? Let’s have a look at Canadian

English compared to American and British English.
What Is Canadian English?

The term “Canadian English” is inadequate to describe the country’s linguistic variety ⁠— just as we can’t say there’s one true American, British, or Australian English.

What’s usually referred to as Standard Canadian English is the language variety spoken by Anglophone or multilingual speakers who were born in Canada and who live in urban areas. Some definitions include other factors, such as

Canadian English encompasses the varieties of English native to Canada. According to the 2016 census, English was the first language of 19.4 million Canadians or 58.1% of the total population; the remainder spoke French 20.8% or other languages 21.1% In Quebec, 7.5% of the population are anglophone, as most of Quebec's residents are native speakers of Quebec French.

Phonologically, Canadian and American English are classified together as North American English, emphasizing the fact that most cannot distinguish the typical accents of the two countries by sound alone.While Canadian English tends to be closer to American English in most regards, it does possess elements from British English and some uniquely Canadian characteristics.The precise influence of American English, British English and other sources on Canadian English varieties has been the ongoing focus of systematic studies since the 1950s.

Canadians and Americans themselves often have trouble differentiating their own two accents, particularly when someone speaks with an urban Standard Canadian English accent because it sounds very similar to Western American English. There is also evidence that Standard Canadian English and Western American English have been undergoing a very similar vowel shift since the 1980s. Canadian English varies very little from Central Canada to British Columbia. But, some noticeably different accents can be found in the Atlantic provinces, most especially in Newfoundland with Newfoundland English. Accent differences can sometimes be heard between those who live in urban centres versus those living in rural settings.

In the early 20th century, western Canada was largely populated by farmers from Central and Eastern Europe who were not anglophones. At the time, most anglophones there were re-settlers from Ontario or Quebec who had British, Irish and/or Loyalist ancestry.Throughout the 20th century, the prairies underwent anglicization and linguistic homogenization through education and exposure to Canadian and American media.

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