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Full Form of ACAB

Full Form: All Cats Are Beautiful
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is ACAB Full Form?

ACAB is full form All Cats Are Beautiful

What is All Cats Are Beautiful?

Asides from being the truth it is an oblique way of expressing "All cops are bastards" since they share the same acronym.

A woman in Spain was arrested for a bag with ACAB written on it but was released when it was found it apparently stood for this above expression.

Always carry a Bible is a similar expression that is more often used as a cover for when a tattoo that was chosen without too much thought.
When I see a legal criminal walking down the street I let them see that my T-shirt says : All Cats Are Beautiful.

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Full Form: Australian Corporate and Business Services
Category: Business & Finance
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What is ACABS Full Form?

ACABS is full form Australian Corporate and Business Services

What is Australian Corporate and Business Services?

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Full Form of ACAB

Full Form: Always Carry A Bible
Category: Internet
Sub Category: Internet Terms

What is ACAB Full Form?

ACAB is full form Always Carry A Bible

What is Always Carry A Bible?

ACAB    Always Carry A Bible (often a tattoo)
ACAB    All Cats Are Beautiful
ACAB    All Cops Are Beautifull
ACAB    Acht Cola Acht Bier (German: All Cops Are Bastards)
ACAB    All Communists Are Bastards (group)
ACAB    All Coppers Are Bastards (common British tattoo)
ACAB    Associació contra l'Anorèxia i la Bulímia (Catalan: Association against Anorexia and Bulimia)
ACAB    Advisory Committee on Agricultural Biotechnology (USDA)
ACAB    Applied Composites AB (Sweden)
ACAB    Atraumatic Coronary Artery Bypass (cardiology)
ACAB    All Croatians Are Beautiful
ACAB    Association of Cargo Agents of Bangladesh
ACAB    Association of Community Access Broadcasters (New Zealand)
ACAB    Arts & Crafts Association Bornholm (Bornholm, Denmark)
ACAB    Association du Cheval Arabe Bedouin (French: Bedouin Arabian Horse Association; est. 2006)
ACAB    Air Cavalry Attack Brigade
ACAB    All Colors Are Beautiful
ACAB    Alaska Contemporary Art Bank (est. 1975; Alaska State Council on the Arts; Alaska Department of Education and Early Development)
ACAB    Associació Cultural Armènia de Barcelona (Spanish: Armenian Cultural Association of Barcelona; Barcelona,